Thursday, September 13, 2012


Earlier this month Emily started attending preschool two mornings a week. She goes from 9am - noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She has been totally into it. She has always seen Abbie leave for school in the morning and now I think that she is excited to go to her own school.
Here she is on her first day. She looks kind of splotchy, but she hadn't been crying or anything. She just got into this trance-like mode - staring intently and taking it all in. We have been really happy with the place that we chose and excited for her to have the opportunity to interact with some kids her age while still being able to have plenty of time at home for naps and one-on-one attention. Of course, it is always about balancing the good and the bad, and on the bad side, she has already picked up a cold. :(

Other than this shift in her weekly routine, we don't have much news to report. She is a joy, as always, and her growing vocabulary and sentence structure is always fun to watch. Of course, there are a few zingers in there - every once in awhile you'll hear her say "Damn!" or "That's crappy!" We try not to laugh, but sometimes we can't help it. Then there are the incredibly sweet things that come out of her mouth. She was giving me big hugs yesterday and then she said, "I just love you, mama." So sweet!