I may not have mentioned it too much before but Emily did soccer on Friday afternoons this fall. It ended recently and below is a photo of some of the kids on her team. It was a very informal team that met at a local park on Friday nights. Technically, it was for 3-5 year olds, but given Emily's size, she blends in reasonably well despite being six.
Emily also had some excitement at school recently with a field trip to Young Chefs' Academy. Originally, they had planned to make bread and pasta, but they ended up making some sort of dessert and Emily was thrilled (yes, she still has a tremendous sweet tooth). Even before this field trip, Emily had started saying that she would like to be a baker when she grows up. I have told her that this is a perfect way to combine her interest in chemistry with her love of sweets. In fact, it is also a great way to channel her creativity.
As for Emily's parent-teacher conference a couple of weeks ago, the teachers noted that Emily's strengths include her kindness, respect, mature vocabulary, pride in her work, neatness and organization, handwriting, and creativity. Her areas for growth include learning to speak more loudly, being more attentive and contributing more to group discussions, and increasing her reading fluency. This feedback is definitely consistent with our impressions.
As for her 6-year old well-child check, which occurred earlier this week, Emily continues to be a peanut. She is now 44.8 inches tall (21st percentile) and 39.8 pounds (11th percentile). Her blood pressure, hearing and vision (20/25 in both eyes) are all in good shape. All in all, she is healthy and small like her mama.
Finally, we have a cute school photo this year - enjoy!