Monday, November 11, 2019


Big news - Emily has finally learned how to ride a bike! She rarely practiced and often claimed that she didn't want to learn how to ride. However, this past summer, it hit her that kids much younger than nine able to ride like the wind. That got under her skin so she set her mind to the task. Of course, setting her mind to it and actually practicing proved to be two different things. For a long time it was too hot to attempt biking. Now that the weather has improved, there has been more opportunity.

She and her friend, Ansel, worked together on Saturday and that was all it took. Ansel was super-supportive and that is what gave Emily the boost that she needed. She was a little wobbly on Saturday, but by Sunday she was officially riding (and we have video to prove it)! I would never have predicted that she was just a day or two away from knowing how to do it. Not surprisingly, she is very excited and proud of herself. :)

1 comment:

Jane said...

You've got this girl! Nice riding! I remember learning to ride a bike and it took me forever!! Of course the bike (Klunker) must have weighed 50 lbs and steered like a tractor. LOL. That's my excuse anyway.